Wireless temperature measurement
detection of air flows
Detection of air flow using wireless temperature sensors
So far, racers rely on the luck of good weather conditions. But with this equipment they already exactly know what the conditions are like at the airport.
Android application
The new version of the devices connected to the tablet:
FAI World Championships
From July 22 to August 3, 2015, the FAI World Championship was held in Mongolia.
The race was attended by Ondřej Parpel and Vladislav Urban from the Czech Republic.
They raced in category F1B and used our device for detection of air flows.
Congratulations on your success in individuals as well as podium finishes in the team category.
results: 2015 FAI World Championships

FAI European Championship
From 11th to 19th August 2014 in Salonta, Romania, there was FAI European Championships.
Jan Čihák won in the category F1B.
The thermal sensor which can identify even weak thermal flow played an important role in this success
FAI European Championship class F1B 2014
held in Salonta, Romania, from August 11-19

Android Application
Preparing an application for mobile phones with Android:
Wireless temperature sensors:

Design by Milada & černá ovec